Real Estate Law


If you are seeking legal counsel for a real estate sale or purchase in the Greater Boston area, call Kyle for a no-obligation consultation. Kyle has handled hundreds of transactions for all types of residential and commercial clients and will provide you with one-on-one attention throughout the entire process, while properly handling your transaction and protecting your rights and financial interests. 

Kyle can draft, review, and negotiate purchase and sale agreements, and guide you through home inspections, zoning, and title insurance commitments. Kyle takes great pains to steer each transaction to a smooth finish, but is always prepared to insulate you from -- and battle you through -- any crisis that may arise

Utilizing his extensive network, Kyle can also connect you to other key partners during your transaction, like loan officers, real estate agents and home inspectors. 

Landlord-Tenant Law


Lease Drafting & Negotiations

Kyle has vast experience in drafting and negotiating commercial and residential leases. Your lease will not only ensure your legal rights are protected, it will be crafted to meet your specific objectives.

Schedule an initial consultation today to discuss your options. 


Whether you are a landlord with a rental dispute or a tenant that has been served with an eviction notice, Kyle can guide you through your landlord-tenant issue and ensure your rights are protected. His housing court track record includes representing both commercial and residential tenants and landlords.

Security Deposit Disputes

Kyle has many years of experience litigating security deposit disputes in housing courts and district courts across the Commonwealth. These cases can be costly for landlords, as running afoul of the security deposit statute can sometimes entitle a tenant to three times the monthly rent. Additionally, under Massachusetts law, a landlord must return the tenant's security deposit within 30 days after the tenant has surrendered the rental property to the landlord (that is, returned the keys and vacated the property). This is an area of security deposit law in which Kyle has helped both landlords and tenants achieve success in housing court and district court. If you are a landlord or a tenant in a dispute regarding a security deposit, call today for a no-nonsense, no-obligation consultation.